• Breaker Block Kit

    IKit yeBhlokhi yeBhloki

    Ibhulokhi yeBhloko yeBlokhi ibandakanya iireyile ezi-2 ezityheli zokuvala, ibha ye-blocker ebomvu kunye ne-1 bar blocker blocker.Umzila kaloliwe otyheli yinxalenye yenkqubo yesikhokelo sokutshixa, evumela...
  • Red Breaker Lock

    Red Breaker Tshixa

    Isitshixo se-Red Breaker Lock Ukusetyenziswa kwesitshixo esibomvu se-breaker lock sisitshixo sombane sokukhusela.I-Circuit breaker ingasetyenziselwa ukuhambisa umbane kunye nokulawula amandla ombane weplanti...
  • LOTO For MCB

    ILOTO ye-MCB

    I-LOTO ye-MCB Isishwankathelo se-LDC16 LOTO ye-MCB eyona nto incinci ye-ISO/DIN ye-pin yokusasaza izaphuli zesekethe emhlabeni.Indlela ekhuselekileyo nesebenzayo yokutshixa ii-breakers zesekethe ezincinci ukuze zisetyenziswe kwi-Euro...
  • Miniature Circuit Breaker Lockout Pin Out Standard

    Miniature Circuit Breaker Lockout Pin Out Standard

    I-Miniature Circuit Breaker I-Lockout ye-Pin Out Standard Overview I-Miniature Sercuit Breaker I-Lockout ye-Pin ngaphandle yoSetyenziso oluMgangatho Indlela ekhuselekileyo nesebenzayo yokutshixa izaphuli zesekethe ezincinci ukuze zisetyenziswe...
  • Circuit Breaker Switch Lock

    I-Circuit Breaker Switch Lock

    Isitshixo sesitshixo seSekethe sokutshixa isitshixo sesitshixo sisetyenziswa ikakhulu ukuthintela ukuqala ngequbuliso kwezixhobo zombane ngexesha logcino kunye nokukhuselwa kokhuseleko lomntu.Umjikelo wethu...
  • Long Body Nylon Padlock

    Isitshixo seNyiloni yoMzimba omde

    Isitshixo seNayiloni yoMzimba omde womzimba omde unomzimba wokutshixa we-nayiloni oyi-76mm yobunjineli obuyi-76mm ye-ABS kunye nesitshixo sesitshixo esikhethekileyo sokuthintela umbane ekudluleni ukusuka kwiqhina ukuya kwi...
  • Nylon Padlock Keyed Alike

    Isitshixo seNyiloni sifakwe ngokufana

    Isitshixo seNyiloni seSitshixo esiQhliswe ngokufanayo Isitshixo seNyiloni esifakwe ngokufanayo sesinye sezona zixhobo ziguquguqukayo nezibalulekileyo oya kuzifuna ekutshixeni izicelo.Ukhuseleko oluphezulu lusetyenziswa ngokudibeneyo...
  • Nylon Padlock Keyed Different

    Isitshixo seNyiloni sifakwe amaqhosha ahlukeneyo

    Isitshixo seNyiloni esiKhethiweyo esahlukileyo Isitshixo sokuvala isitshixo esifakwe ngokwahlukileyo sesinye sezona zixhobo ziguquguqukayo nezibalulekileyo oya kuzifuna ekutshixeni izicelo.Ukhuseleko oluphezulu lusetyenziswa...
  • 25mm Steel Shackle Safety Padlock

    I-25mm yeSitshixo soKhuseleko lweShiyile yeNsimbi

    I-25mm ye-Steel Shackle yokuKhusela iPadlock ye-LEDS, i-LDP21 ekhuselweyo yokhuseleko, kunye nomzimba wokutshixa weplastiki ye-ABS kunye nomzimba wokutshixa okhethekileyo uthintela ukuhanjiswa kombane...
  • Nylon Padlock With Master Key

    Isitshixo seNayiloni esineSitshixo esiPhezulu

    Isitshixo seNyiloni esineSitshixo esiSitshixo seSitshixo sesinye sezona zixhobo zixhaphakileyo nezibalulekileyo oya kuzifuna kwisicelo sokutshixa.Isitshixo sokhuseleko oluphezulu sisetyenziswa ngokudibeneyo...
  • Steel Shackle Safety Padlock With Master Key

    Isitshixo soKhuseleko seNkomfa yeNsimbi eneSitshixo esiPhambili

    Isitshixo soKhuseleko seNgxoxo yentsimbi eneSifundo esiPhambili esiPhambili se-LEDS yentsimbi yokutshixa ikhonkco lokhuseleko elinesitshixo esingundoqo seqhina lentsimbi linomzimba wokutshixa weplastiki we-ABS ongaqhubekiyo kunye nendawo ekhethekileyo...
  • Cable Safety Padlock Keyed Different

    Isitshixo seCable soKhuseleko sifakwe amaqhosha ahlukeneyo

    Isitshixo seCable soKhuseleko Sifakwe amaQhosha awahlukeneyo amagqabantshintshi okhuseleko lweCable padlock edityaniswe ngeendlela ezahlukeneyo USES ezinde, ezibhityileyo, iintambo ezibhetyebhetye ezinokuguquguquka ngakumbi kuneepadi zokhuseleko eziqhelekileyo, ezibonelela ngemisebenzi emininzi...